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Fort destroyed in 1317 by war with the archdiocese of Cologne.

In a first construction phase, probably around 1270, a modest stone residential tower with a side length of 5.40 x 5.00 m was built, which was most likely surrounded by a palisade fence. Column basalt was used as the building material. In a second construction phase, which dates back to 1288, the existing tower was partially demolished and a larger new building (internal dimensions 8.80 x 6.50 m) was built, which was also surrounded by a ring wall with four three-quarter round corner towers. The approximately 25 x 25 m large complex, which follows the fort type, was protected by moats and very likely had a bailey on the east side. Reitersdorf Castle was destroyed in the course of acts of war in 1317 and was not rebuilt.